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190: Invest in Yourself First, and Everything Else will Follow
190: Invest in Yourself First, and Everything Else will Fol…
On this episode, we have repeat guests passionate about teaching the young and the old to invest in themselves first. Claude Curry and Stan…
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July 11, 2023

190: Invest in Yourself First, and Everything Else will Follow

190: Invest in Yourself First, and Everything Else will Follow

On this episode, we have repeat guests passionate about teaching the young and the old to invest in themselves first. Claude Curry and Stanford Kimble II, from God Driven Global www.goddrivenglobal.com (and podcast episode 174) talk to us about launching their non-profit and the impact on the community. Their work has encouraged children to speak to their parents about financial investments! 

Thanks to our sponsor Hop City Craft Beer and Wine: https://hopcitybeer.com/